Possibilities You Don't Even Know You've Got

Published 10/10/2015
Fic: Possibilities You Don't Even Know You've Got (14,905 words)
Summary:Teen superheroes and the high school newspaper reporters who stalk them. Or, the one where Jensen is kind of Superman and Jared is kind of Lois Lane, but not really.

Track Download
1. Possibilities You Don't Even Know You've Got by (7,369 words)

Teen superheroes and the high school newspaper reporters who stalk them. Or, the one where Jensen is kind of Superman and Jared is kind of Lois Lane, but not really.

mp3 (41.16 MB, 00:59:39)
2. An Audience With the Pope by (7,536 words)

Teen superheroes grown into twenty-something superheroes. And reporters, obviously.

mp3 (41.18 MB, 00:59:17)